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New Job Opportunities

  • Providence Public Schools Job Opportunities (posted Nov. 27, 2024):

Bilingual School Psychologist (SY 24-25)

District-Wide Early Contract Hiring Pool (SY25-26): Dual Language/Bilingual

Manager of Multilingual Learner Instruction (SY 24-25) [One Year Position]

Occupational Therapist - Bilingual Evaluation Team Pre-K & K-12 [10 Month B.E.S.T.] (SY 24-25)

Teacher - Early Childhood Dual Language English (SY 24-25)

Teacher - Early Childhood Dual Language English (SY 24-25)

Teacher - Elem. School Grade 5 Bilingual (SY 24-25)

Teacher Assistant - Bilingual CTE Automotive Trade Liaison (SY 24-25)

  • Warwick Public Schools is looking for 2 long term subs that are MLL Certified.  One elementary level sub needed at end of October and a high school long term sub starting in January.  See job posting here: Warwick MLL Long Term Sub Posting (Posted Sept. 25, 2024)

  • MLL Teacher in East Providence, Martin Middle School: The East Providence School District is looking for exceptional talent to fill an MLL Position at Martin Middle School. Our Multilingual Language Learner Team prides itself on an asset-minded, collaborative, and all hands on deck approach. If you're interested, please apply on SchoolSpring:  https://www.schoolspring.com/jobdetail?jobId=4755835 (Posted Aug. 21, 2024)

  • Warwick Public Schools: Elementary-level Multilingual Learner/English Learner (MLL/EL) Teacher (one-year only) (Posted July 25, 2024) Job posting here

If your district or school has job opportunities for MLL professionals, please send an email to ritellteachers@gmail.com, so we can add your job posting to our monthly email blasts.

RITELL c/o Nancy Cloud  |  P.O Box 9292  |  Providence, RI 02940  |  ritellteachers@gmail.com

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